Join Us For A One Day Urban Retreat...
"Soul Play Sunday"
At Vanessa's Home in the
Excelsior District of San Francisco
Sunday, January 8, 2023
9:30am - 5pm
Suggested Price $208
Sliding Scale $88 - $408
This playful, flowing day will be like a Montisorri School for your soul, with stations set up in different rooms for making art, resting, doing yoga, lounging in the newly created Soul Oriented Lending Library, playing with tarot cards and other soul connecting games and more. There will also be a few group activities throughout the day, including opportunities to release 2022 and welcome in a new vision for 2023. There will also be an abundance of healthy, delicious nourishment. Space is limited to 12 participants, so sign up soon!
And there continue to be regular
support circles and more
happening virtually in the
Soul Oriented Patreon Community!
You can also stay connected to all of Vanessa's offerings by joining our mailing list!
"Soul Play Sunday"
At Vanessa's Home in the
Excelsior District of San Francisco
Sunday, January 8, 2023
9:30am - 5pm
Suggested Price $208
Sliding Scale $88 - $408
This playful, flowing day will be like a Montisorri School for your soul, with stations set up in different rooms for making art, resting, doing yoga, lounging in the newly created Soul Oriented Lending Library, playing with tarot cards and other soul connecting games and more. There will also be a few group activities throughout the day, including opportunities to release 2022 and welcome in a new vision for 2023. There will also be an abundance of healthy, delicious nourishment. Space is limited to 12 participants, so sign up soon!
And there continue to be regular
support circles and more
happening virtually in the
Soul Oriented Patreon Community!
You can also stay connected to all of Vanessa's offerings by joining our mailing list!